Latest Past Events

An Evening with Rabia

Pakenham Living & Learning Community Hall 6B Henry Street , Pakenham VIC 3810, PAKENHAM

Please join us for the mental health community to reaffirm our commitment to building our understanding of mental illness, increasing access to treatment and ensuring those who are struggling know they are not alone. Speaker: Rabi'atul Adawiyah Bint e Jali Psychologist Nepean Psychology and Couseling Center   Note: This event is for only sisters

Food Distribution

Pakenham Living & Learning Community Hall 6B Henry Street , Pakenham VIC 3810, PAKENHAM

We’re in this together. Without you, some of those struggling with food insecurity would go without food. Every donation matters — especially to those who need it the most. Let’s work together to provide the life-sustaining help they need. Below are current food programs you can support today.

Working with other Communities

Pakenham Living & Learning Community Hall 6B Henry Street , Pakenham VIC 3810, PAKENHAM

When we talk about working together, it’s usually in the context of a group of people working together towards a goal. You could argue that a team worked well when they have reached their goal. However, achieving the goal is not the sole determinant of a successful team. How this team reached their goal and […]